Online Learning is a great way of diving into new areas of nurse anesthesia that you normally would not consider. You can watch, listen, and learn in the comfort of your own home. And doing all this at your time.

Why Online Learning?

Online Learning is becoming the most important avenue for you to keep your CRNA credentials up-to-date for recertification.

Enroll in recertCRNA courses and create your online academy for your recertification. Our e-learning website strives to be the premier CRNA continuing education website.
Our usual has fast become the unusual. Where CRNAs for a very long time have participated in local, statewide and national conferences, we are currently locked down close to home. recertCRNA replaces limitations in traveling to gather with other CRNAs to learn and be inspired with online learning.

recertCRNA launched to let you, the active, busy, and time-limited CRNA learner, have access to something easy, simple, and straightforward.

Our courses are built around the concept that you only have so much time in your day. You must go to work, take care of your family, work-out, work in the yard, pick-up your kid from school and take them to activities, and a whole lot more. We are here to help you use any downtime while doing many of these chores with constructive online learning.

All our courses have multiple short video sections with a quick Mini-Quiz after each section. A Mini-Quiz is a single question to satisfy the testing requirement from AANA. You may take each Mini-Quiz up to three times to pass, but we think you only need a single try. They are that easy, simple, and straightforward.

Join us in your recertification journey.