Frequently Asked Questions

How can I sign up for this tutoring?

You may inquire about this tutoring service by sending Matthew Zinder, MS, CH, CRNA an email by clicking here.

When should I sign up for the ProgramPrep tutoring service?

Many nurse anesthesia residents use our tutoring service during the final year of their program. Others will find us when they have failed the National Certification Exam multiple times. Our advice is for you to assess your own journey and how you see yourself finish this journey. You want to see yourself successful. Your goal is to become a knowledgeable and prosperous CRNA. If reaching this goal confidently means you want us to help you, that is the time you should email Matthew and discuss your situation and dreams. 

Who will be my main contact?

The initial contact will be with Matthew Zinder, MS, CH, CRNA. He will conduct the initial intake interview and discuss if our program is of benefit to you. 
If you and Matt believe ProgramPrep may be of benefit for your CRNA journey, your next stop will be a conversation with Michael and Annette. We will discuss what we can do from a didactic standpoint to help you be successful. 

Is ProgramPrep a new service?

Peter Strube, DNAP, CRNA, MBA, FAANA taught under the name of CRNA Tutor for 12-13 years.
Peter tutored nurse anesthesia residents for 6-7 years, helping hundreds of nurse anesthesia residents on his own, before he partnered with Matt in 2018. Matt brought his passion and wealth of knowledge about mindfulness and hypnosis to the tutoring service. Together they have helped 500+ nurse anesthesia residents pass the National Certification Exam.
In the fall of 2023 Peter partnered with Michael Storm, DNAP, CRNA to bring Michael's online courses and printed books to his tutoring service. 
Since the untimely death of Dr. Peter Strube in 2023 Michael Storm and Annette N Storm, MNA, CRNA have stepped in as the didactic partners with Matthew Zinder. Michael has been teaching nurse anesthesia residents since 2006 and Annette joined him in 2013. Together they own the business Storm Anesthesia.
Peter, Matt, Michael, and Annette settled on ProgramPrep as the new name for their partnership.

For how long do you help me out?

Our team will stand behind you until you pass the National Certification Exam - the Boards. We give you access to our online platform  as long as necessary for you to pass Boards. 

Download our free App - recertCRNA

All our material is available online, whether you use a computer, a tablet, or your phone. We also offer a free app - recertCRNA. You can download this app from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.

What do I do if I have issues accessing your site?

If you have any issues with your access to our learning material using your computer, tablet, or app you will contact Dr. Michael Storm, CRNA by sending him an email (click here), or if an emergency calling him at (803) 429-3707.

Where is my course?

After you create an account and purchase the course, you can access your course from your profile. After you log-in to, you will find your profile under the "My Courses/Profile" tab at the top.

What is included in the price?

The price for the tutoring includes the concierge service by Matthew,  Michael, and Annette throughout your relationship with us. 
You will gain access to our online platform where we host all our teaching material. We have multiple modules, all taught in a microlearning format (short videos followed by a few Mini-Quizzes to test for understanding). We also have many, many exams for you to take..
Additionally, as a new student we will mail you the physical book copies of Storm Anesthesia Review vol.I+II and Physics & Chemistry for Nurse Anesthesia.

What happens when I make the call to Matthew Zinder?

During your initial intake conversation with Matthew Zinder, you will have a non-threatening conversation about where you are in your journey to become a CRNA. Have you already failed the NCE, are you struggling with the didactic material studying for Boards, are your test anxiety preventing you from performing at your best during the NCE or the final SEE?
There are many factors that need to be evaluated before we can decide on what will be the best course of action for you. Nobody is the same, and we don't treat you like anybody else. Everybody will receive a personalized and customized journey. A journey that will help you succeed and become a successful CRNA.
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