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Foundations of Regional Anesthesia

Jordan Coleman


Course must be completed by July 31, 2024

The Course You Need Before Doing Regional

Foundations of Regional Anesthesia gives you the quick scoop of what you need before launching into doing regional anesthesia. Whether you want to do a regional block or pain course, or just refresh your memory on the basics, Jordan will deliver.

What's included?

  • 11 Sections
  • 8 Videos
  • Each Mini-Quizz is a single question - easy
  • Esay, Simple, and Straightforward Questions
  • Possible to retake all mini-quizzes up to three times
  • 1.25 Class A CE credit
  • 1 Certificate of Completion
  • recertCRNA uploads credits to AANA

Course must be completed by July 31, 2024

Why Regional Anesthesia?

In these times of opioid crisis it is important to have additional tools in our tool bags. It is not enough to just do the "same old" everytime. Regional anesthesia is an old trick but is just as relevant today as is was yesterday. With the advent on ultrasound techniques regional anesthesia is even easier to practice than ever. 
This course will focus on the foundations you need to practice regional anesthesia. Jordan Coleman does not go into actual block techniques, he saves that for another course, but rather give you the necessary basics.   

How Do I Benefit?

If you are a seasoned practitioner but has not been administering regional blocks for a while, this course will be a great refresher. Being up-to-date on the foundations necessary will make you more comfortable when getting back into the game of regional anesthesia. 
Even if you are a CRNA utilizing blocks on a regular basis, Jordan may just be able to refresh your memory as well on the basics of your craft. 
This course is for anyone that has an interest in regional anesthesia. 
Meet the instructor

Jordan Coleman

My name is Jordan Coleman and I graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2018. I have been working at the Regional Medical Center in Orangeburg, South Carolina since then. I have learned a lot and hope to continue learning over the years.

My lovely wife, Katie, put up with me through anesthesia school, and we now have a 2-year-old son and 9 month old daughter. Life is busy and lots of fun! I enjoy working out and taking naps whenever possible!
Jordan Coleman, MNA, CRNA